Boys2Men RTC

Is a Residential Treatment Center operating as a 24-hour supervised group home for boys in the CPS and Juvenile Justice System. Boys2Men RTC was created by two Professional Therapeutic Foster Parents who knew that more could be done to help kids and they had the heart to expand to make an even greater impact.

About Boys2Men

Boys2Men RTC is designed to help transform boys ages 5-17 with victimized mindsets into becoming confident, productive young men and leaders for future generations. We do that by first providing boys with a safe place for them to live, learn and grow. We believe every young man has the power to rewrite his own narrative and change the course of his life for the better. Boys2Men RTC provide’s a family-like group home experience while equipping our young men with the tools needed to become the best version of themselves daily.

Our mission is to provide a safe and stable place for at-risk boys to live, learn and grow. Our priority is to help transform discarded boys into young men; Leaders paving the way for future generations with endless possibilities.

Our vision is to build a community of confident young men by sparking hope in boys who may be discouraged by the way their story began. Our goal is to help our young boys work through their trauma to create a culture of proud, self-aware young men who know their worth and who are prepared to take on the world in great ways.

Life Skills Program

Spending time as devoted Professional Foster Parents, we have learned 8 out of 10 boys have been placed into multiple foster homes, and never having established a solid connection. Boys2Men RTC have tailored a two-part life skills program to help bring our boys and young men up to speed with learning valuable fundamentals to support independent living. Our program goal is to restore confidence in young men through self-care.

Program Part A targets basic life skill needs like effectively brushing teeth, tying shoes, putting on a belt and other occupational daily needs, while Program Part B addresses more age-advanced skills like tying a necktie, shaving, completing laundry, learning to drive, and other age-appropriate life skills to support daily independent living.

We also recognize that getting older and aging out of the system can be a scary thing for teens, so Program Part B introduces boys aging out to life skills training and getting prepared for adulthood. Boys2Men RTC believes that with the correct leadership and learning environment, we can help our young boys make the effective transition into manhood with confidence.


Norms Program

Autistic Norms is a program designed to teach boys with autism how to become more self-aware, how to interact appropriately in social settings, and learn critical life skills training that will benefit them forever. We teach young men the importance of loving themselves and learning to be happy with who God has created them to be, wonderfully and uniquely made.

The main goal of the Autistic Norms program is to maximize every young man’s ability to function in day-to-day life by working to minimize ASD symptoms and support development through applied learning, therapies, and skills training. 

What is Autism? Autism is defined as a serious developmental disorder that impairs one’s ability to communicate and socially interact with others. Often autistic kids are made fun of because of their difficulty with communicating their thoughts and feelings in a socially acceptable way or by performing random repeated motions that serves as a stimming outlet. This creates awkward social interactions that embarrass kids and ruins their self-image and self-esteem which increases their life’s traumatic experiences.

The autism spectrum consists of 3 levels:

  • Level 1 – Requiring Support
  • Level 2 – Requiring Substantial Support
  • Level 3 – Requiring Very Substantial Support

Our program mission is to teach kids on all levels of the spectrum not to suppress their stimuli but to embrace it and discover covert ways to move stored energy out of their body in a discrete way while keeping their sensory system in perfect balance. Also, to learn how to articulate themselves without being made fun of by their peers or having to feel embarrassed, misunderstood, or making others around them feel uncomfortable.  

Our service team consists of committed and patient professionals who know how to identify a meltdown versus a tantrum, and who strive to prevent meltdowns by implementing proactive strategies and de-escalation techniques that help boys with decompressing and regrouping. Our secret ingredient consists of empathetic personnel who fully understand autistic triggers and respond with respectful and sensory strategies to help our young men regain and remain in control of their emotions and of their environment.


  • Boys are nearly 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls.
  • 74% of autistic students in the U.S. graduate with a diploma. What about the other 26%??
  • 19% of autistic students in the U.S. graduate with a certificate.
  • 8% of autistic students in the U.S. don’t finish high school.

We provide support and specific resources needed for each young man to be successful growing forward to help stop the cycle of kids with autism from being misunderstood, embarrassed, and bullied.

Real-Life Experience as a Professional Foster Parent:

“I can recall being a professional foster parent and having a 15-year-old level 1 (high functioning) autistic kiddo who came into our home with 1 pair of worn-out Chuck Taylor’s. We took him shopping and purchased new clothes and shoes of his choosing, but he continued to wear his same Chuck Taylor’s to school daily. I assumed it was because he had developed an emotional attachment to them, but about 2 weeks later, he came home crying and saying the teens at his new school had been talking bad about him and bullying him because of the holes in his shoes. I reminded the him that he had several pair of brand-new shoes that we just got him to choose from. He fidgeted around for a while making excuses, then eventually after a few minutes of me probing, I discovered that he was embarrassed to tell me he didn’t know how to tie his own shoes, which is why he continued to wear his Chuck Taylor’s with the holes; (they had been tied up for years from one of his earlier placements.) Something immediately clicked! I thought…had I been more proactive and asked these questions two weeks ago, I could have prevented him from being picked on and embarrassed as a new student, preserving his reputation and breaking the stigma of him looking like a foster kid just because he was. I looked at his chronological age and assumed that he knew how to tie his shoe, but I didn’t recognize that he hadn’t been in any placement long enough as a 15-year-old to be cared for and taught by a father figure how to tie his shoes. We worked hard at learning to tie shoestrings and put on a belt! Soon, he was able to wear a different new pair of shoes to school each day. Realizing the aforementioned was monumental for me. It opened my eyes to be more cognizant of each child’s past and proactive to preserve their internal values; something much needed for their future development.”

-Mr. Darrell

As a divorcee, one prayer I have always prayed was to have kids and raise a family of my own. I can remember reading scripture Gen.1:22 “Be fruitful and multiply” and repeating it to God everyday over and over feeling like I had failed. But children of my own wasn’t my outcome. God told me in a dream that he had more for me to do and that I could help many more young men in the place that He was taking me to. Unexpectedly I became a Professional Foster Parent, and I learned the challenges and need that young boys face in foster care and in the Juvenile Justice System. Having much success in teaching, nurturing, mentoring, and bringing out the best in young boys in my foster group home, it became my duty to help boys on a greater scale to recognize their potential and to become the best that they can be. Alongside my brother, we created Boys2Men RTC to change lives!

-Ms. Barbara

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Stay current and informed with the latest from us on Instagram @Boys2Men_RTC or speak to us directly at 832-955-8452.

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Support Our Cause

Help us make an impact so great that the whole world feels it!

Darrell W.

With your support we can reach more young men and make an even greater impact far beyond our community. We appreciate all size contributions and 100% of all in-kind donations will be carefully monitored and allocated in great ways that only support our mission and vision.

Smile knowing that you are making a difference in the life of a young boy who may not look like it right now, but he’s destined to become somebody great!

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Matthew 25:40

To give back in a major way, please consider joining our team of professionals who are dedicated to bringing the best out of every young man in our care. Please send all employment inquires to

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